Compare colleges.
Confirm your costs.
Choose confidently.
DecidED provides students and advisors with resources, tools and guidance to compare college costs, financial aid benefits, and other fit factors.
Just upload a picture of an award letter and we’ll do the math.
Students make sense of financial aid award results and compare their college options based on personalized fit factors such as graduation rate and campus diversity.
Real time student updates make your job easier.
Advisors can access the DecidED dashboard with real time student updates, students’ financial aid results and help them compare options for the best enrollment decision.
Expand your ability to scale student support programs.
Gain insight into student progress on the path to college, as well as financial aid result data, to inform impactful programs and services.
Every student deserves to go to college with little to no debt.
DecidED was developed based on years of work with students, families, advisors, and their communities. As part of our work to close the opportunity gap, DecidED is a free tool to help students make the best decisions for their futures.